Saturday, October 18, 2008

Same Girl, years apart, still a mother

Since we have the new baby in the house, Bailey has once again making sure that all her babies are well hydrated (a word that she uses when explaining what she is doing). Just thought this was a cute comparison back to when Bry was born and Bailey just thought that occasionally you just needed to stick baby under your shirt every now and then.


Our final stop was at the home of Thomas Jefferson, Monticello. Below are a picture of the house from the back as well as a picture of the vegetable garden just below the house. This was very impressive as well.

The Trip

Last weekend we took our first road trip as a family and went to Charlottesville, VA. We had never been down to this area of Virginia and we loved it. We made stops at James Madison's home at Montpelier outside of Orange, VA. This was a impressive tour and a beautiful setting. Below is the view from his front porch.
Below is a example of one of the pics Brylee took after she swiped the camera.

This is the girls standing in the middle of James Madison's garden
Our next stop was at Ash Lawn, the home of James Monroe. It was beautiful as well. Why are the girls pointing at? Only my Dad knows, he has had all of us pointing in pictures since childhood. I just thought I would pass it down to the next generation.

The Answer

Bailey is on the left and Caleb is on the right. This is in no way a reflection of their political affiliations. In that respect Bailey is a right wing hockey doll's mom. Caleb has created a 527 group called Diapers for Democrats and he is working around the clock filling diapers to throw at democrats.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Who is Who

Here are two pics. One is Bailey, one is Caleb. We report, You decide.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Some new pics

The girls have breakfast inside the new playhouse that Doc made for them and brought up from AR.

All decked out in their smocks, the girls work on painting their pumpkins. This was a neat craft that was given to them by the McBrides, some friends from church who also brought us dinner. The girls had so much fun.
He is fillling out a little, getting plenty of food and plenty of sleep. Being this cute is hard work.