Saturday, October 11, 2008

Who is Who

Here are two pics. One is Bailey, one is Caleb. We report, You decide.


Blogger sj said...

OH, my goodness! I THINK the one on the right is I win a prize?

1:04 PM

Blogger Jan Kelley said...

I say the one on the left is bailey....jk They look like the same baby, but the one on the left has a bit pinker lip....that is all i am going by ....i cant wait to find out what i win. jank

4:24 PM

Blogger Jan Kelley said...

I just changed my mind. I think Caleb is on the left. I reviewed his pictures and noted hair all over his head that looked like he entered this world right after having a perfect haircut. So, i think Caleb is the baby on the left with all of the hair. These babies you have shown us here are obviousoly the same baby. They just look too much alike to be two different babies. Oh,the marvels of what the intelligencia can do with computers today. Kiss his little head for his Aunt Jan.
Tell Bailey that I wish I could see both her and Bry in their tutus. I wish I could see them dance or do a trick for me or just stand there and let my eyes feast on their beauty and preciousness. love to you all

3:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What sweet little pics. I feel sure Bailey is on the left. They look SO similar. I can't wait to hold Caleb!!!

7:48 AM

Blogger Jan Kelley said...

I am back to my original belief that Caleb is on the right because of the eyelashes of the baby on the left. When iu look at Caleb's pictures, i do not see long black eye lashes, so i believe baby on left is Bailey. What are you going to do with the prize money if there is more than one winner? love you all. jk

8:00 PM

Blogger Brooks Inc. said...

Wow...thats amazing!What beautiful babies!

Love you guys!


8:20 AM

Blogger jaime s said...

Bailey on the left, Caleb on the right is my guess...

1:01 PM


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