Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tori's Tour

Washington DC at sunrise

As many of you know, my sister Kelly and her family live in Benin, West Africa. Kelly and her family are doing great things for the Lord among the Aja people and at the same time they are raising two studly boys and two beautiful girls. Their oldest daughter Tori is going through home school right now and since Emille and I live in Washington DC, We decided to give Tori a tour of the Capital of the United States. So last Saturday we took pictures all around Washington DC and are ready to give our tour. Our question to Tori is…What do you want to see first? Our question to everyone else is, could you please tell Tori what your favorite thing about America is(anything from freedom to favorite food)? Thanks.

Tori- You have the choice of visiting the Jefferson Memorial (Uncle Sam’s Favorite), the Lincoln Memorial, The Washington Monument, the World War Two Memorial, The Korean War Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the White House, The Capitol Building, Arlington National Cemetery, the Iwo Jima Memorial or the Pentagon. The tour will come with a brief History lesson of whatever we are looking at and the events surrounding it. We are excited to get started, so just let us know where you want to go first and we will get started on the lesson right away!

The picture above is of the National Headquarters for the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) This is a group of women who can trace their family history back to the people who fought in the American Revolution. Your Aunt Emille is one of them

This plain looking field on the National Mall doesn't look like much but it has sure had a lot of histoy take place on it. In the Civil War soldiers camped her to protect Washington, During the Depression a group of WWI Veterans camped out here in protest, in the late 1940's and early 1950's the offices of the Central Intelligence Agency were here in old wooden buildings, on April 28,1963 Dr. Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech to a crowd that had gathered here and in 1997 Promise Keepers held its Stand in the Gap on this land (Below)
The Bonus Army
Martin Luther King and the "March on Washington"

Stand in the Gap

We are so excited to talk to you about Washington DC. We love you so much!
Uncle Sam, Aunt Emille, Bailey and Brylee


Blogger Kelly Vaughn said...

Sam, This is so exciting!!! We are studying America's Beginnings right now. This week we have focused on Columbus, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We have been talking alot about Colonial Times and Tori has been loving it. Everyday when we head out to the school room she says, "I want to do history first!" I know that must make you proud. The title of our book right now is called "I love my country." The first day that she saw this workbook she said...Oh this is so true, some nights I go to bed crying because I love my country so much, and she then pointed her finger at me and said, "SO do you mom!" (She is only seven) What could I say? Maybe that has happened a few times! .........All that to say, Let's start with the Lincoln Memorial!

2:02 PM

Blogger Sam said...


I have begun writing the lesson and have to say that this is the most awkward thing I have ever written. The thing that makes it tough is that I am used to writing for Military officers and not a seven year old. Long story short. You may need to weed through it yourself and then pass it along. It is a lot of fun, but I am not sure what details I should leave in or take out. Example: I left in that Lincoln was killed by people who had wanted the South to win, but left out that those people were hunted like dogs, burned, shot and bled out on a old man's porch. Suffice to say, the transition from DOD writing to seven year old writing is a big one.

3:24 PM

Blogger jaime s said...

Tori---You picked my FAVORITE monument to start with. (Uncle Sam..don't forget the important detail that dear friends, Murray & Jaime Sanderson were engaged at this memorial in November, Tori's b-day month, of 2003).

Tori, we LOVE our country too! We can't wait for you to come visit and see all these sights in person. Faith looks forward to meeting you (and having you teach her how to draw).

I think our 2 favorite things about America (especially the D.C. area) are

1) the BEAUTIFUL landscape...there are mountains in the horizon and trees with so many pretty colors on them.

2) the many different cultures that are present here. Kids and grown-ups of all shapes, colors, languages, customs, etc. I love knowing our country is filled with people who get to experience the wonderful gift of FREEDOM (that's another favorite thing).

The food is great too! We love America!!

P.S. I am going to send something special to you (by way of Precious) to help you enjoy studying the colonial times even more. I can tell you what it is or you can be surprised....let me know what you prefer!

Happy studying!!

Love, The Sandersons

7:17 AM


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