Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Not sure I fit in

I am currently working at an Army Post (piece of trivia, no such thing as an Army base, only posts, forts and camps) where, understandably I am surrounded by people in the military. We are working of a wide variety of things that will enable US troops to fight safer, stronger and more efficiently. It was in this environment that I was walking around today gathering some information for my current tasking and found myself humming and singing to myself, "...and if you threw a party, and invited everyone you knew, you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say, 'Thank you for being a friend'..."

Now I have no idea why the theme song from Golden Girls was in my head. I would like to say that I had just passed a room where a bunch of soldiers had set their guns down and were watching it (Don't ask, Don't tell) but that was not the case. I cannot remember the last time I watched an episode of that show, which means that that kind of stuff is just floating around in my head, almost more worrisome than if I woke up in a strange place wearing a "Bea Arthur is Hot" t-shirt (which, coincidentally, happened to my friend Blair).

All of this to say, I am fairly sure that I was the only one in the office today singing the "Golden Girls" theme song and because of that, I am not sure if I am the posterchild they are looking for to support the Global War on Terrorism. Posterchild for Super Poly-Grip maybe, GWOT, doubtful.


Blogger Brooks Inc. said...

You make us laugh out loud...Even "I am against blogs Tony" laughed at this one. We will miss you guys around the table tomorrow... so thankful that Emille's family is on the way to be with you all.

I showed Payton your pic on Fairfax's website, he said, "look at Sam, he loves his Bible."

4:57 AM

Blogger Sam said...

Man, i love that little guy. Payton, not Tony.

6:43 AM

Blogger Kelly Vaughn said...

I was watching a tape of a TV movie my Mom recorded for me...after the movie was over, guess what came on...yep, a rerun of the Golden Girls...and I was thrilled! Then all of a sudden the tape cut off before the first scene was done and I cried like a baby...didn't even get to theme song.
I'm with you, Sam...

1:55 PM

Blogger Julie said...

Yes! We are laughing! Makes me want to see you so bad.
Julie & Steve

7:04 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

What is even more worrisome is that you admitted your Golden Girls moment on the world-wide web! Seriously, that is funny, and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your sweet family!

8:43 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Sam- we'll definitely be praying for Bailey...bless her heart! Has she been having a lot of ear infections lately? I'm so glad you guys get to head to Abilene soon.

6:50 AM


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